On 8-30 March 2023, within the research program, Physics teachers of French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) Alihuseyn Dovlatov and Behbud Ibrahimov, with the support of UFAZ, were on a scientific mission at the University of Strasbourg (Unistra), in France.
They visited the POMAM (Propriétés Optiques et Magnétiques des Architectures Moléculaires) Laboratory led by Unistra Professor Philippe Turek and the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg (IPCMS). In addition, they were given information about the working process of various devices. The main purpose of the mission was to analyze several properties of topological insulators.
Alihuseyn Dovlatov shared his impressions: “We conducted research on the magnetic and transport properties of crystals grown in Baku in the EPR laboratory at the Strasbourg University and at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg (IPCMS) We used apparatus in IPCMS, such as PPMS - for measurements of transport properties (like a conductivity, mobility of carriers) and SQUID - for measurements of magnetic properties (like magnetization, susceptibility e.t.). The work was carried out in collaboration with Jerome Robert and Bohdan Kundys”.
Behbud Ibrahimov shared his impressions as well: “I got acquainted with the EPR device, learned its working principle and investigated some properties of low-dimensional systems. I observed how the electromagnetic waves sent to the sample were affected by the temperature change, and by calculating all the data with a Xenon program, obtained important results. I would like to thank Vileno Bertrand and Philippe Turek for their close involvement and assistance in this work. Analyzing our results takes some time, and by the end of April we will hold several meetings, compare the results, and come to our final conclusions”.