UFAZ Guest Lectures 2018 / 2019: Dr. Maksim Bano on "Introduction to GPR method and its Applications Abstract"


EVENT PLACE: UFAZ Small Conference Hall (room 101)

EVENT DATE: April 23, 2019

EVENT TIME: 4:30 p.m.

Introduction to GPR method and its Applications


Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-destructive electromagnetic (EM) method, which is based on the propagation, diffractions, and reflections of high-frequency EM waves. It is easy to use and very fast to implement in the field. 

The applications of GPR are multiple: Geological study (sedimentology, actives faults,..), Archaeological study; Civil engineering study (voids); Hydrology and detection of buried objects.

Different case studies will be shown in the first part of the presentation, including field examples from Mongolia.